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Jenny Serpa, MPA
Jenny Serpa is of Peruvian Quechua and American Scottish heritage. She holds a BA (2006) from the University of Washington, and an MPA (2012) from The Evergreen State College. As a specialist in Political Science, Legal history, and Research & Analytics, Jenny has taught and guest lectured at many colleges and universities, including University of Washington, The Evergreen State College, Northwest Indian College, and St. Matrin’s University. She brings her extensive experience providing grant writing, research, and administrative support from her work with the Seattle Indian Health Board, Hawkheart Consulting LLC, Western Washington Native Education Consortium, Eastside Native American Parent Committee, Northwest Indian College, and other Tribal programs across the state, and her media communications experience from the Seattle Native Circle (now the Seattle Urban Native Nonprofits Coalition). For the past
10 years, Jenny has worked with the Northwest Indian College’s Extended Campus at the Nisqually Tribe while also running her own business Hawkheart Consulting LLC.
Karen Capuder, PhD
Dr. Karen Capuder is Kanien’keha:ka (Mohawk, non-enrolled) and French through her mother, and Irish and German through her father.
Dr. Capuder is the founder and Principal Investigator of Foundations Consulting, a firm dedicated to supporting the assertion of inherent tribal sovereignty over cultural resources. She further serves as the Executive Director of Skabob House, an Indigenous nonprofit cultural and arts organization located on the Skokomish Indian Reservation. Dr. Capuder is currently employed the Senior Legislative/Policy Analyst for the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation’s Traditional Territories Program, after having served the tribes for over ten years as a Secretary of the Interior-qualified archaeologist and cultural anthropologist. Prior to her work with the Colville Tribes, Karen earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Native American Studies, and master’s and doctoral degrees in Anthropology. Her previous work centered on collaborative anthropological research with cultural and spiritual leaders from the Nisqually and Skokomish Nations. In her spare time, she enjoys gathering plant foods and medicines, engaging in cultural activities, fishing, gardening, and cooking for community events.
Twylia Westling, MPA
(Ojibwe – Scottish) holds an undergraduate degree from Antioch University Seattle with an emphasis in Environmental Education and a Master of Public Administration (MPA) in Tribal Governance from The Evergreen State College. Her capstone project investigate d the challenges of geothermal projects in Tribal communities. She is a successful procurement professional in the private sector and is a passionate educator of the history of Federal policy as it relates to Native Americans. She is also a Sequoyah Fellow with AISES and is a founding Board Member of Advocates for a Cleaner Tacoma